An experienced Data, Digital and Technology strategist at your service

Outstanding digital leadership not only fixes problems as they arise but develops strategies and solutions for long-term performance. A Virtual CIO is essentially, an experienced technology service provider who serves as your digital and IT strategist.  Increasingly, technology is less about troubleshooting day-to-day maintenance issues and more about harnessing Data and Technology to take advantage of new opportunities, efficiencies with growth-minded strategies and solutions.  This is where a vCIO can make a significant difference.

Small and medium-sized businesses are ideally placed to innovate and harness data and technological opportunities and efficiencies without spending six figures yearly on a Chief Information Officer.  As Virtual CIO (vCIO) I will team with your existing IT staff and decision-making authorities to provide the guidance, strategy and execution support your business requires.  The primary difference between what you receive from my Virtual CIO services and other managed services, or technical advisory services is that as Virtual CIO I will provide a broader view of your business, focusing on the overall business outcomes and IT alignment.

My Virtual vCIO and vCISO service can be provided on an on-demand time and materials basis. You can engage me to consult at crucial decision points in your strategic delivery only as needed or as an ongoing engagement priced per month.

Opportunities include:

  • Building a cohesive, business aligned, digital and technology vision and strategy
  • Improving understanding of your current technology state
  • Validating what’s good, identify the risk and define opportunities for improvement. developing roadmaps for your digital systems
  • Focus on business outcomes, advising on technology trends to future-proof the business
  • Guiding, supporting and advising on all aspects of technology and digital delivery
  • Supporting business agility, ensuring your digital systems are adaptive to your changing needs
  • Providing mentoring and training to your existing staff