Cloud services are now a mainstream technology choice for government agencies. But organisations need to develop new business models to support their use of these services. Because each agency is unique, there is no “one size fits all” business model for cloud services.

At Stats NZ I defined a strategy covering 5 themes

  • Delivering IT as a Service – the technical migration to leverage commoditised ICT Services. This included; Desktop as a Service, Infrastructure as a Service, Telecommunications as a Service, Office 365, Salesforce, Microsoft Azure, AWS. This created a hybrid cloud environment, delivering a flexible secure operating environment.
  • Modularisation of the Enterprise – To move away from large scale stove-piped solutions I defined a strategic architectural approach to build smaller consumable components. This enabled an Agile Portfolio approach to planning and periodisation.
  • Future Operating Model – Recognising that to fully maximise the benefits of cloud I transformed the ‘IT’ operating model to an Agile DevOps model. This empowered multidisciplinary teams to innovate and drive the transformation vision of the organisation.
  • Enhancing Enterprise Collaborative – recognising that to achieve the best outcomes we had to get the voice of the customer into our work I implemented a range of collaborative capabilities including MS Teams, enabled to grow engagement with external stakeholders, creating closer relationships across the data ecosystem. I also drove a cultural change program to embed the collaborative approach.
  • Data access and integrated analytics – data is only useful if it can be accessed and insights generated. Implementing a data lake to enable data integration and reuse has increasing benefits for Stats NZ

Case Studies