
Post Christchurch earthquakes, the government made clear its commitment to relocate government office accommodation back into the Christchurch city centre, maximising advantages of co-location for multiple government agencies.

The CIGA project provided new accommodation for 1500 staff across 15 government agencies over four separate buildings. The first of these was the BNZ Centre Stage 1 with Statistics NZ as the Agency lead.

This particular fit-out was the first to be completed, implementing a new model for Government accommodation. This co-location was also home to the New Zealand Transport Agency, Internal Affairs, Te Puni Kōkiri, the Ministry of Pacific Island Affairs, the Human Rights Commission, Creative New Zealand and the Energy Efficiency and Conversation Authority

500 staff are accommodated across 3 floors and 6,000m2 of modern flexible office space offering a range of collaborative work areas, quiet spaces, and meeting rooms. The largest of the 3 floors incorporates a shared public reception and large staff hub designed to encourage the interaction of staff from different agencies and thereby maximise the potential benefits of collocation.

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